Association of Mental Health Providers
They are the leading representative body for voluntary and community sector mental health organisations in England and Wales. A registered charity, they represent a membership of small, medium and large providers – from locally focused to regional and national organisations - with the purpose of providing a professional platform on which the vital work of all its members can be seen and heard. Steve was appointed as a Trustee in March 2018 and lends his living experience, coupled with his knowledge and expertise of the wider policy landscape.
Connecting with People (4 Mental Health)
Connecting with People is training in suicide and self harm mitigation that has been informed by evidence-based principles. It aims to increase empathy, reduce stigma and enhance participants’ ability to respond compassionately to someone who has suicidal thoughts, or following self harm.
Steve is an Associate Trainer and delivers Connecting with People modules to a range of audiences. In 2016 Steve took part in the #DearDistressed campaign. Click the button to view his contribution.
Mental Health Collective
The Mental Health Collective’s Fellowship Scheme elevates the expertise of those with lived experience, and convenes spaces in which these experts can engage meaningfully with other experts from a range of disciplines and backgrounds. Steve is a 2019 fellow.
Mind (National Association for Mental Health)
Mind is a mental health charity in England and Wales. Founded in 1946 as the National Association for Mental Health, it celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2016. Mind offers information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf.
Steve was elected by the Mind membership as a trustee in September 2017. Steve has been involved with Mind for well over 5 years and was thrilled to join the Council of Management.
(NSPA) National Suicide Prevention Alliance
The NSPA is an alliance of public, private, voluntary and community organisations in England who care about suicide prevention and are willing to take action to reduce suicide and support those affected by suicide.
Steve created a set of films discussing how local organisations can work together to engage meaningfully with people with lived experience of suicide thoughts, and suicide attempt survivors.
National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health
The National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (NCCMH) is a collaboration between the Royal College of Psychiatrists and University College London. They develop evidence-based guidance and reviews to support the delivery of high-quality mental health care.
NHS England
NHS England and NHS Improvement are working together as a new single organisation to support the NHS to deliver improved care for patients.
Steve has worked with NHS England on a range of programmes, including Suicide Prevention, Health & Justice and the Long Term Plan.
Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC)
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) helps people to live more independent, healthier lives for longer. They work closely with partners in the health and care system, arm’s length bodies and agencies, local authorities and across Government.
Steve worked closely with the department during the Mental Health Act Review.
Healthcare Conferences UK (HC-UK)
Healthcare Conferences UK organises and produces high quality healthcare conferences and exhibitions, with a specialist interest in a clinical audience.
Steve has presented at a number of events and will chair a conference on the Mental Health Act Review in May 2019.
Royal College of Psychiatrists
They are the professional medical body responsible for supporting psychiatrists throughout their careers from training through to retirement, and in setting and raising standards of psychiatry in the United Kingdom.
Steve has been a member of the Patient & Carer Committee and West Midlands Executive Committee since mid 2014.